Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What to do when neighbors are homophobic pricks!! (long)

Ok so im at home by myself because Kim is at the mall currently trying to look for an outfit for our wedding. At last minute, Kim has decided that we should finish our office (which has been about a 2 year project!!!) since we have people coming in town this weekend and staying at our house for the bachelorete party. So I am actually working (manual labor at that!) in the office, trying to scrape the rest of the walls so when Kim gets home we can finish!! So im in my little office working and i hear a "knock, knock, knock" on my front door. Weird...3:00 in the afternoon and Im getting a knock on my door! Well just keep in mind I have alot of anxiety issues and the fear of being killed (of course, I read newspapers and all of the internet, the weird shit that can happen to you. For god sakes, Im scared to answer the door for the fedex guy!!). So I peak around the corner of our office and I don't see anyone. Im frozen there because our main door is open, so all there is is our big glass screen door! Well all of a sudden I see a hand reach over and knock on our door again!! So this person is standing to where I can't see him (on purpose!!) and is knocking!! So my first instinct is to go slam the big door closed and lock it!! So as I do that, this person steps into view point and of course its our favorite person, who knows our house all too well, a police officer.
So I open the door and step out onto our front porch. The officer proceeds to tell me that they have had "several!!!" complaints about Kim's jeep that is parked across from our house. So this is what this is the load of bull shit i get...."Ma'm we have gotten several complaints about your vehicle tags being expired and for the jeeps flat tire." I respond to the cop... "Sir, our tags expired yesterday. I have the stickers to put on the vehicles in my car, I just had not had the opportunity to put them on yet, considering I just got them this morning and had a few more errands to run after that, so i just now made it home. As for the jeep, from here I can see no flat tire." This is what officer jackass said back "Well I'm going to go ahead and let this be the warning, I do have the authority to put a 24 hour ticket on your car saying that if the stickers are not on in 24 hours, I can have it towed. However, Im gonna be a nice guy and just go ahead and assume you are going to take care of this. As for the tire, it is actually low, not flat, but it will also need to be taken care of." Ok if I say that i have the fucking stickers, why would I intentionaly not put them on. What kind of fucking idiot do you think i am?? Well what I wanted to say back to him, I figured would land me in the wonderful wyandotte county jail. So I simply said "ok officer, I will get the stickers put on immediately. And once my fiance gets home, I will have go air up her tire. Thank you". Oh, of course he felt the need to go ahead and repeat himself some more, in case maybe im hard of hearing and didn't understand him the first fucking time, which could be possible with his white trash dip of tobacco in his mouth that appears to be falling out! He tells me again, that he could issue me a warning, but is just a "nice guy" and is gonna let it slide. Okay, so what kind of fucking homphobic ignorant people live around me?? Our fucking tags expired on the 31st of march, which was yesterday and I got them today!! Our neighbors literally call the cops atleast once a month on the most ridiculous things. Once a cop told us "when a mouse farts in your house, we get called!!" How ridiculous is that?? Where is harassment charges?? Well I have a little something for them...our friends got us a bright colorful rainbow flag and it will be flying high for all those homphobic assholes to see!!


Monkey Outlaw said...

LMAO, I hope his "nice" ass or your neighbor houses never catch on fire and Kim's driving to the fire ... hmmmmm her sense of direction could be off! You all just need to MOVE to KC! You know it can be done ... :) see ya Friday!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds a bit like harassment to me.

Alyssa J. said...

oh my good god! I laughed out loud at the "if a mouse farts in your house, we get called", comment! Hilarious!

Keven C said...

That's good for you. Congrats on the engagement and Wedding. Don't need to take any shit from those people.

Anonymous said...

I like your site

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!

Anonymous said...

Wyandotte county? You must be in Kansas. I live in Lee's Summit, and my partner and I deal with homophobic neighbors (one in particular) frequently. It's very frustrating and disheartening.

Unknown said...

I live in Hollywood, CA, and we experience the same treatment from nearly everyone on the street, albeit my partner and I were here for over 10 years before they all came. You are not alone in your struggles, and this will all evaporate when the current generation dies off, and the new more tolerant generation takes over.

Unknown said...

Im sorry to hear that you have had to deal with stupidity of some sad humans that have nothing going on with there lives .
Im dealing with A horrible person my self . Just got threw being screeamed at by my neighbor . Shes elderly but dont let it fool you . She just called me a fagot and told me go fuck someone in the ass . Preceded to turn around bending over and spreading . YUCK !!! She has called the cops on me three times once for my door shutting to loudly . Once stealing her mail.. and once for the music that wasn't even on . I Love my apartment and town so Ill never move... Frustrated

Anonymous said...

I feel for you I really do. But really there are lots of things one can do legally these days. The most important thing is to not allow oneself to become personal and over involved in their irrational stances and prejudicial fantasies. Staying military and focused on the infractions and obsessive harassments and al lthe rest of it is far better.Neighbors berate and play "perfect". But the reality is this is all the usual things.. I have a neighbor who has the idiot boyfriend . After evicting horrible tenants out below.. now I seme to deal with him and all his games. Cigarettes being thrown in the drive, his mother sitting in our driveway smoking and throwing buts on the grass, endless loitering in the drive and in front ..blocking the driveway with his truck for 15 minutes or more at a time..and the worst of it .. conspiring with the ex tenant to park his vehical in the driveway. Insane. I shut all of it down and the silly girlfriend who owns the duplex next door and rents to his mom upstairs just lost it when I told her thatwe neededto sort al lof this out as it just keeps being one violation of respect and boundaries after another. I cited her and she turned on me making me to be the problem. They always do that epople ..just soldier on. I then said well I think it is your boyfriend and his attitudes. And is it because we are gay? She exploded and denied it and went kind of 13 year old girl and ran in the house and slammed the door. Seriously these people are probably gay themselves or something. Such diva-ish drama behavior. Stay off my fucking yard, stop disrespecting and keep away or I will get an injunction and sue. Go over the cops and get a lawyer and obtain an injunction for harassment, loitering, littering, trespassing etc etc..
Some Americans forgot the Civil Rights Acts. They just don't comprehend that their opinion is not Federal law. Seriously. My advice is stick within the law and do not get personal. These people are morons ad living in the 1950's where popping out kids and looking like White trash was normal and respectable. The joke is it never really was for the sake of that but.. they like to think they are more important than other peoples rights. Get a lawyer.